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The Past Is The Prologue

That quote has given me a lot to think, a lot to do, and a lot to give to this life. I believe that history is not equal to the future, but it could be, if we don’t change, if we don’t move from our comfort zones and start contributing goodness and perfections in our lives.

My dream is go beyond what I think I can and to do more than what it takes.

Music has been in my life since I was born. The music has become myself. I’ve always wanted to share what’s in my heart through music, so that the world would feel. Unsurprisingly, the road for me to go there is not always easy. I’ve been bombarded with struggles and underestimation as well as winnings and elevations. But it never brings me down. I have gone through tiredness, boredom, desperation, tears and more tears. I have felt underestimated when people looked down on me. But thank God, He lifted me up by giving me too many blessing to count. He promoted me to higher places. It does not make me satisfied and arrogant, but it does remind me that He wants and allows me to do more.

I never thought that I have to put that much of efforts. I never thought that I have to put that much of energy in order to keep that motivation fires up in me. Not mentioning my own battle against a wrong paradigm that lives in the society. Somehow, there are a lot of people in my country who thinks that to have a big dream is a ‘mistake’ and that it is arrogance. But hey, everything starts with dreams and visions. And I have the eyes of faith to see the coming true. After all, I have proven them myself.

It’ not about winning once, but it is about the constancy of winning. And I want to be the person who experiences those winnings.

Sometimes as a runner, we have to step back a few steps to run faster and jump higher. And sometimes as a painter, we have to step back to be able to look at a larger view and clearer picture.

Someday, I will sit down and reflect myself in the mirror. I would never know what would I see, but one thing that I know, I would never let myself regret for who I will be because what I did in the past. This is my time. This ‘now’ will be my ‘past’ in the future. And now, I’m seeing my self in the future, sitting down on the couch, feeling like a winner, thinking back and smile because I have done such a great job to be proud of.

Those winnings are not for me, but they are for each and every single person in this world who still believes that they can and that everyone deserves equivalent chance to win; despites what circumstances they are facing.

I have prepared,
I have planned,
Now it’s my time to live,
And let the winnings live in me.


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